Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Today i must talk about the studies, about post graduate studies. But it's complicated to me because i don´t know if i realy want to keep studying. I think that i want finish my Sociology studies and later take a long holidays jaja No, really i want to go out of the country and maybe study here. 

So, if i get go to any places out of here and i would like study i think that i would study something different to my current career because like as i have written before i would like be Chef. So, if i will study somthing it must be related to the gastronomy, obviusly.

Resultado de imagen para estudiar gastronomia 

To sutdy something related to the gastronomy i think that it's necessary that i study in a physical place, like an institute or something like that. Because learning to cook it's a task that requires practices and put your hands in the dough jaja. But i think that my schedule will be part time because i have to work to keep myself and my dog. 

About the country in which i would like to study i do not know which one exactly but i am shure that it's must be hot and must have beaches near because i love swim in the sea and take the sun drinking a beer.