Friday, November 30, 2018

First time outside the continent

A few months ago with my best friends Bastian baught our plane tickets to go Europe. We will arrive in Milan, Italy. But we want travel around many different countries. For now we don't have an exact route but we are sure that we want go to Amsterdam and Copengahue because they are destinies that call our attention. 

Resultado de imagen para copenhague

Additionally we want know countries like Spain, France, Italy, Switzerland andGermany. When we will be in those places i think that we will do many things like go to museums, go for food and drinks jajaja For me it's difficult think in what we will do because i am not a person to plan everthings because i think that some decisions must be made in the instant, there are many things that influences in you want to do... For example, when i was in Cusco, Peru i met so many peaople that i preferred stay for more time in those city because i was having a good time. 

But i'm very sure about that we will have a very nice travel because my friend is very funny and he always makes me laugh. But before we went we must make a deal because although he is very funny he is a person who gets angry very easily and he is very strict person. Instead i am more relaxed and i don't like to stress in my holidays jajja But i hope that the ambient influences in my friend and he be more relaxed jaja   

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