Friday, November 30, 2018

First time outside the continent

A few months ago with my best friends Bastian baught our plane tickets to go Europe. We will arrive in Milan, Italy. But we want travel around many different countries. For now we don't have an exact route but we are sure that we want go to Amsterdam and Copengahue because they are destinies that call our attention. 

Resultado de imagen para copenhague

Additionally we want know countries like Spain, France, Italy, Switzerland andGermany. When we will be in those places i think that we will do many things like go to museums, go for food and drinks jajaja For me it's difficult think in what we will do because i am not a person to plan everthings because i think that some decisions must be made in the instant, there are many things that influences in you want to do... For example, when i was in Cusco, Peru i met so many peaople that i preferred stay for more time in those city because i was having a good time. 

But i'm very sure about that we will have a very nice travel because my friend is very funny and he always makes me laugh. But before we went we must make a deal because although he is very funny he is a person who gets angry very easily and he is very strict person. Instead i am more relaxed and i don't like to stress in my holidays jajja But i hope that the ambient influences in my friend and he be more relaxed jaja   

Friday, November 23, 2018

My dog

When i was a child i had a my first pet, she was a female dog its name was Daisy. Regrettably two years ago she past away :( She was very old but she got sick and despite being operated on urgently we couldn't save her... I think that is the saddest things that ever happened to me, because she arrived to home when i was 6 years old, she accompanied me for 14 years almost all my life. But only think that she is better now because when she got sick she suffered a lot.
 She was Daisy.

After a few months, 6 o more i think, my sister show me a Facebook publication where showed a dog for adoption, also was a she and she looked like Daisy. My heart knew that we must  adopted to her so my sister and me had to convince my parents, for lucky it wasn't so difficult and the same day we went to look for her. Her name is Emi. 
She is Emi. 

Until today, after almost 2 years, she behaves like a puppy. She is very restless and she likes play all the time. Always she has energy to run around all the house and play with toys. But the only problem is that she don't difference between her toys and the things that she can't take, like the remote control, shoes and clothes jajaja So it's very exhausting to chase her around the house to take something away jajaja Once upon a time that she ate, yes literally ate, my dad's vinyl. It was awful because my dad was very angry. 

But with the time my dad and mom got used and now they are careful with leave things where she can get them and they have learned to love her even though she is messy and crazy jajaja Because she gives a lot of joy to the home and always she's a good company, in any time she is by your side to listen to me.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Today i must talk about the studies, about post graduate studies. But it's complicated to me because i don´t know if i realy want to keep studying. I think that i want finish my Sociology studies and later take a long holidays jaja No, really i want to go out of the country and maybe study here. 

So, if i get go to any places out of here and i would like study i think that i would study something different to my current career because like as i have written before i would like be Chef. So, if i will study somthing it must be related to the gastronomy, obviusly.

Resultado de imagen para estudiar gastronomia 

To sutdy something related to the gastronomy i think that it's necessary that i study in a physical place, like an institute or something like that. Because learning to cook it's a task that requires practices and put your hands in the dough jaja. But i think that my schedule will be part time because i have to work to keep myself and my dog. 

About the country in which i would like to study i do not know which one exactly but i am shure that it's must be hot and must have beaches near because i love swim in the sea and take the sun drinking a beer. 

Friday, November 9, 2018

My future job

The job that i would like to have it's a job that be interesting, entertaining and have a nice ambient with nice partners. But i think that the most important is that i like my future job and enjoyed going everyday.

I don´t know yet if i will work like sociologist or i will study again or i will work in another things.  But i think that any job that i choose will be outdoors or indoors, i don´t have preferences because i really open to many options about my future.

However i'm very sure about that i would like travel a lot in my job... In fact if i will work cooking i will travel a lot because i want learn about many dishes of a different countries. So, yes my dream job must have many trips !

Resultado de imagen para platos de comida internacional

About the salary i think that i will be happy with that be enough to live. I don't be a person that liked expensive things so if i have a salary with which i can pay the rent, food and bills i will be fine. 

Now i'm sutdying Sociology and my tesis will be about sociology of sexuality so i can say that i my speciality will be this. This area is my choice because it's a not very worked area and i think that is very important know this part of life from sociology because it's an important part of the social relationship, in sexual intercourse there are social interactions very important to know about power relationship and to uniderstand like the gender roles are also in sex.